Being in a warehouse, running electric forklifts through multiple shifts a day can be an extremely taxing job. You need to take time to charge and let them cool down, which in busy operations can be difficult. Now, with the emergence of forklift lithium-ion batteries, opportunity charging is becoming more popular. But what is it? What is Opportunity Charging in the Warehouse? Opportunity charging is available for forklifts with lithium-ion batteries (LiB) and lead-acid batteries (LaB), but is much better suited for LiB. With this method, the batteries can stay in the truck for multiple shifts while being charged. It also takes advantage of breaks to charge the forklift. This means, when your employees are on lunch, taking a break, or switching shifts, the forklift can be plugged in and charged. When the operator returns, the forklift will have enough juice until the next charging opportunity. While opportunity charging is still available for lead-acid batteries, it can...
Warehouse management refers to the oversight of operations in a warehouse: receiving, tracking, & storing inventory, as well as training staff, managing shipping, workload planning, & monitoring the movement of goods